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您當前的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 動(dòng)物 > 動(dòng)物呼吸代謝測量 > FMS便攜式多功能能量代謝測量?jì)x
FMS系列能量代謝監測系統方案作為SSI家族一款經(jīng)典、堅固耐用、多用途的高精度高分辨率代謝測量主機,受到以各類(lèi)昆蟲(chóng)、實(shí)驗動(dòng)物、小型及中大型野生動(dòng)物、家禽家畜、人體等為研究對象的生理學(xué)、生態(tài)健康、生物醫學(xué)科學(xué)家的極度青睞。FMS的再度升級改版,以更小體積、更大的數據儲存容量、智能化大觸摸屏、更簡(jiǎn)化的操作、更合理的價(jià)格將再次引爆專(zhuān)注于實(shí)驗研究科學(xué)家靈活機動(dòng)的創(chuàng )新性生物新陳代謝研究熱情。


FMS系列能量代謝監測系統方案作為SSI家族一款經(jīng)典、堅固耐用、多用途的高精度高分辨率代謝測量主機,受到以各類(lèi)昆蟲(chóng)、實(shí)驗動(dòng)物、小型及中大型野生動(dòng)物、家禽家畜、人體等為研究對象的生理學(xué)、生態(tài)健康、生物醫學(xué)科學(xué)家的極度青睞。FMS的再度升級改版,以更小體積、更大的數據儲存容量、智能化大觸摸屏、更簡(jiǎn)化的操作、更合理的價(jià)格將再次引爆專(zhuān)注于實(shí)驗研究科學(xué)家靈活機動(dòng)的創(chuàng )新性生物新陳代謝研究熱情。









面板32GB SD卡數據存儲允許即時(shí)存儲信息,而無(wú)需單獨的計算機





具備電源線(xiàn)或鋰離子電池4.8 A-H,野外運行時(shí)間至少6小時(shí)




2.測量范圍:O2,0 - 100%;大氣壓,30-110 kPa;CO2,0 5%;水汽壓,0-100% RH(無(wú)凝結),溫度0-100°C

3.精度:O22-100%讀數的0.1%;CO20-5%讀數的1%;H2O0-95% RH讀數的1%,95-100%優(yōu)于2%;溫度 0.2? C

4.分辨率:O2: 0.001%;CO2: 0.0001%-0.01%;H2O: 0.001%RH

5.信號漂移:溫度恒定的情況下O2: <0.02%每小時(shí);CO2: <0.001%每小時(shí);H2O: < 0.01%RH每小時(shí)


7.模擬輸出:O2, CO2, 2個(gè)自定義


9.數字輸出:USB RS-232,Sablebus快速接口





14.流量分辨率:0-99.9mL/min0.1mL/min;100mL/min 以上為1mL/min

15.工作溫度:3-50 °C,無(wú)冷凝

16.供電:12-15 VDC,帶220V交流電適配器;可選配鋰電池供電,方便野外操作。






Comparison of the CO2 ventilatory response through development in three rodent species: Effect of fossoriality,Sprenger R J, Kim A B, Dzal Y A, et al. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2019, 264: 19-27.



Greater energy demand of exercise during pregnancy does not impact mechanical efficiency,Denize K M, Akbari P, da Silva D F, et al. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2019.

美國婦產(chǎn)科學(xué)院和加拿大的婦產(chǎn)科醫生協(xié)會(huì )發(fā)表了最新的孕婦活動(dòng)指南,建議孕婦進(jìn)行150分鐘中等強度運動(dòng)以減少妊娠并發(fā)癥,有利于母體和嬰兒的健康。然而懷孕(嬰兒作為特殊負重)是如何影響孕婦的能量投入、活動(dòng)體能和機械效率的卻了解很少。該研究通過(guò)FMS便攜式能量代謝儀來(lái)定量化不同運動(dòng)程序的能量消耗和機械效率。






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4.Denize, Kathryn M., et al. "Greater energy demand of exercise during pregnancy does not impact mechanical efficiency." Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism ja (2019).

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6.Fonseca V C, Saraiva E P, Maia A S C, et al. Models to predict both sensible and latent heat transfer in the respiratory tract of Morada Nova sheep under semiarid tropical environment[J]. International journal of biometeorology, 2017, 61(5): 777-784.

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8.Guigueno M F, Head J A, Letcher R J, et al. Early life exposure to triphenyl phosphate: Effects on thyroid function, growth, and resting metabolic rate of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) chicks[J]. Environmental pollution, 2019, 253: 899-908.

9.Haskins D L, Hamilton M T, Stacy N I, et al. Effects of selenium exposure on the hematology, innate immunity, and metabolic rate of yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta scripta)[J]. Ecotoxicology, 2017, 26(8): 1134-1146.

10.Ivy C M, York J M, Lague S L, et al. Validation of a pulse oximetry system for high-altitude waterfowl by examining the hypoxia responses of the Andean goose (Chloephaga melanoptera)[J]. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2018, 91(3): 859-867.

11.Ladds M A, Slip D J, Harcourt R G. Swimming metabolic rates vary by sex and development stage, but not by species, in three species of Australian otariid seals[J]. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2017, 187(3): 503-516.

12.Lenard A, Gifford M E. Mechanisms Influencing Countergradient Variation in Prairie Lizards, Sceloporus consobrinus[J]. Journal of Herpetology, 2019, 53(3): 196-203.

13.Louppe V, Courant J, Videlier M, et al. Differences in standard metabolic rate at the range edge versus the center of an expanding invasive population of Xenopus laevis in the West of France[J]. Journal of Zoology, 2018, 305(3): 163-172.

14.Maia A S C, Nascimento S T, Carvalho M D, et al. Enteric methane emission of Jersey dairy cows: an investigation on circadian pattern[C]//21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOMETEOROLOGY. 2017: 100.

15.Nascimento C C N, de Fran?a Carvalho Fonsêca V, de Melo Costa C C, et al. Respiratory functions and adaptation: an investigation on farm animals bred in tropical environment[J]. 2017.

16.Noren D P, Holt M M, Dunkin R C, et al. Echolocation is cheap for some mammals: Dolphins conserve oxygen while producing high-intensity clicks[J]. Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 2017, 495: 103-109.

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18.Sanguino R A. Rapamycin Interacts with Nutrition to Decrease Basal MetabolicRate of Drosophila melanogaster[M]. Adelphi University, 2017.

19.Sprenger R J, Kim A B, Dzal Y A, et al. Comparison of the CO2 ventilatory response through development in three rodent species: Effect of fossoriality[J]. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2019, 264: 19-27.

20.Toler M. Kinetics and Energetics of Feeding Behaviors in Daubentoniamadagascariensis[D]. Duke University, 2017.


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