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您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 植物類 > 植物光合作用與生理生態(tài) > TL200系列植物光合熱釋光測量系統(tǒng)







  1. 光合機理研究——捕光色素復(fù)合體,PSII反應(yīng)中心,放氧復(fù)合物研究;PSII能級分析;原初反應(yīng)階段的內(nèi)在過程探測
  2. 植物脅迫生理的早期檢測與診斷
  3. 植物病蟲害相關(guān)研究
  4. 除草劑影響
  5. 對植物光合研究的完善補充









熱釋光(Thermoluminescence,縮寫TL)是晶體受到輻射照射后,會產(chǎn)生自由電子,這些電子被晶格缺陷俘獲而積攢起來,在加熱過程中以光形式釋放出來。其基本的實驗過程是將葉片快速冷凍到某一溫度,之后給葉片一個足夠強,但時間盡量短(一般<5µs)的單翻轉(zhuǎn)光(single turn-over ?ash),用于誘導(dǎo)每個PSII反映中心發(fā)生僅一次的電荷分離;然后逐漸升溫,同時測量葉片放出的熱釋光,繪制TL譜帶。

熱釋光研究中的一個主要工具是單次翻轉(zhuǎn)光閃,要求足夠強(光源強度高達 150 000 µmol(photons).m2.s1)和足夠短(典型 < 5 微秒)來誘導(dǎo)每一個PSII反應(yīng)中心發(fā)生一次,且僅一次的電荷分離。光閃的飽和效果可以通過QB段的強度來檢查,它應(yīng)該在*光閃后達到zui大,在2次光閃后不再增加。當(dāng)前許多實驗中使用的氙燈光閃具有明顯缺陷——一個長的持續(xù)發(fā)光,或者閃光拖尾,這會在某些PSII反應(yīng)中心中產(chǎn)生兩次的電荷分離(連擊)。雖然激光閃光能夠有效降低連擊,但不能消除。

TL200系列熱釋光測量儀使用能量足夠強的LED光源,所釋放5-10µs的方波脈沖能夠飽和所有的PSII反應(yīng)中心,其溫度控制單元可以在降溫后,再使樣品的溫度以0.1/sec 2/sec的速率線性增加。不同的閃光序列及樣品處理能夠使樣品處于不同的能量狀態(tài),不同的溫度下釋放的光能源自光合機構(gòu)的不同結(jié)構(gòu)。分析釋光曲線的形狀、峰位和峰值,可以研究分析關(guān)于特定激發(fā)電子對的能量穩(wěn)定性及PSII反應(yīng)中心功能等。











-25 +70



-25 +190



-90 +70



TL200系列熱釋光測量系統(tǒng)由3部分組成:多功能控制單元、溫度調(diào)節(jié)器控制單元及測量室 。

多功能控制單元(Multipurpose Control Unit根據(jù)用戶定義方案或熱發(fā)光向?qū)峁┑膶嶒灣绦騺韴?zhí)行實驗過程,有兩個輸入頻道,一個用于測量熱發(fā)光信號(TL信號),另一個用于測量溫度。 測量曲線以兩種格式顯示:時間/溫度和時間/TL信號,或溫度/TL信號。

溫度調(diào)節(jié)器控制單元(Thermoregulator Control Unit可以在-90°C +190°C范圍內(nèi)以0.1°C的精確度控制樣品的溫度。 系統(tǒng)前面板可以顯示實際的溫度,溫度調(diào)節(jié)可以通過手動或程序控制(軟件)來實現(xiàn)。有兩種工作模式:恒溫模式和溫度梯度模式,在恒溫模式下儀器將維持樣品在恒定的溫度,而在溫度梯度模式下,可以使樣品的溫度以0.1°C/sec 2°C/sec的速率線性變化。


CryoFab液氮罐通過管路連接到測量室,通過電子控制的低溫輸出閥可以將系統(tǒng)溫度控制在 -20°C -90°C。


測量室(Measuring Chamber又包括四個關(guān)鍵組成部分:光源、 光電倍增器、A/D 轉(zhuǎn)換器、具有溫度控制器的樣品盤:

  1. 光源由8個超亮的發(fā)光二極管(λmax=630 nm)組成,發(fā)射的光閃強度高達150,000 µmol(photons). m2.s1以上,光閃持續(xù)時間zui長為150 µs(典型5-10us,光強和光閃持續(xù)時間通過軟件控制。
  2. 光電倍增器可以探測從300900nm范圍的光量子,從而測量熱發(fā)光信號和緩發(fā)熒光。光電倍增器包括自己的電源。
  3. A/D轉(zhuǎn)換器用于光電倍增器的電流放大、軟件控制增益和數(shù)字化,放大器的時間反應(yīng)固定在50ms,以確定zui小取樣周期到100ms。



  • 溫度范圍:

TL200/PMT標(biāo)準(zhǔn)版:-25 +70

TL 300/HT高溫版:-25 +190

TL 400/LT液氮版:-90 +70

  • 控溫模式:恒溫;線性變化(0.1ºC/sec - 2ºC/sec
  • 過熱保護:提供
  • 控制模式:手動(恒溫);程序設(shè)定溫度曲線
  • 樣品盤:直徑½英寸鍍金銅盤
  • 測量樣品:藻類、藍細菌、葉綠體懸浮液,葉片碎片等
  • 光源:波長lmax=625nm,光源強度高達 150 000 µmol(photons). m2.s1以上
  • 探測系統(tǒng):傳感器為可以通過軟件靈敏控制的光電倍增器,光譜響應(yīng)為300nm-900nm,zui小取樣周期100ms,時間響應(yīng)50ms,接通延遲100ms
  • 控制:用戶可通過語言自定義程序控制儀器測量過程
  • 通訊:USB
  • 軟件:FluorWin 3.6
  • 電源:90V-240V




上圖為源自擬南芥未冷凍葉片的熱釋光(M.Roman ,1998)。實心符號:對照(a);空心符號:輕度脫水(b)。單閃(細線)產(chǎn)生75%S225%S1(只有S2S3產(chǎn)生熱釋光,S1無),雙閃(粗線)25%S275%S3,3閃(點線)25%S3。a、對照植物。單閃后,熱釋光B段與S2QB-相*(B2,見表1)且可以被單因子擬合得很好。2次閃光后,則需要3個因子,S2QB-B1),S3QB-B2)和一個剩余因子(未顯示)。b、適度脫水的植物。B段下調(diào),S3S2在更大程度上表明了類囊體腔內(nèi)一個暗穩(wěn)態(tài)的酸性pH。45攝氏度段(余輝)源自S2/3QB中心中熱誘導(dǎo)的從基質(zhì)還原劑向QB的電子傳遞,使它們發(fā)光:它的增加表明了一個強的同化勢能NADP+ATPDucruet 2003)。



  • Thermoluminescence. PV Sane, et al, 2012. Photosynthesis
  • Analysis of S2QA-charge recombination with the Arrhenius, Eyring and Marcus theories. S Rantamäki, et al, 2011. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
  • Manganese limitation induces changes in the activity and in the organization of photosynthetic complexes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. E Salomon, et al, 2011. Plant physiology
  • Inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and electron transfer from the quinone acceptor QA− to QB by iron deficiency. N Msilini, et al, 2011. Photosynthesis research
  • Chlorophyll fluorescence emission as a reporter on cold tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. A Mishra, et al. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2011
  • Characterization of photosystem II in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased iron superoxide dismutase. Y Zhang, et al, 2011. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Two functional sites of phosphatidylglycerol for regulation of reaction of plastoquinone Q< sub> B</sub> in photosystem II. S Itoh, et al, 2011. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Binding Stoichiometry and Affinity of the Manganese-Stabilizing Protein Affects Redox Reactions on the Oxidizing Side of Photosystem II. JL Roose, et al, 2011. Biochemistry
  • Species-dependence of the redox potential of the primary quinone electron acceptor QA in photosystem II verified by spectroelectrochemistry. T Shibamoto, et al, 2010. FEBS letters
  • Flavodiiron proteins in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms: photoprotection of photosystem II by Flv2 and Flv4 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. P Zhang, et al, 2009. PloS one
  • Comparative analysis of leaftype ferredoxinNADP+ oxidoreductase isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana. M Lintala, et al, 2009. The Plant Journal
  • Psb28 protein is involved in the biogenesis of the photosystem II inner antenna CP47 (PsbB) in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. M Dobáková, et al, 2009. Plant physiology
  • Functional complementation of the Arabidopsis thaliana psbo1 mutant phenotype with an N-terminally His6-tagged PsbO-1 protein in photosystem II. H Liu, et al, 2009. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Interaction of methylamine with extrinsic and intrinsic subunits of photosystem II. S Hamdani, et al, 2009. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Investigation of the low-affinity oxidation site for exogenous electron donors in the Mn-depleted photosystem II complexes. VN Kurashov, et al, 2009. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Changes in the photosynthetic reaction centre II in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum result in nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching. D Eisenstadt, et al, 2008. Environmental Microbiology
  • Characterization of photosystem II in salt-stressed cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells. H Gong, et al, 2008. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • The cyanobacterial homologue of HCF136/YCF48 is a component of an early photosystem II assembly complex and is important for both the efficient assembly and Repair of Photosystem II in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803*. J Komenda, et al, 2008. Journal of Biological chemistry.
  • Early detection of bean infection by Pseudomonas syringae in asymptomatic leaf areas using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. L Rodríguez-Moreno, et al, 2008. Photosynthesis research
  • Effects of heat stress on PSII photochemistry in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. B Zhao, et al, 2008. Plant Science
  • The effects of simultaneous RNAi suppression of PsbO and PsbP protein expression in photosystem II of Arabidopsis. X Yi, et al, 2008. Photosynthesis research
  • Functional analysis of photosystem II in a PsbO-1-deficient mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana. H Liu, et al, 2007. Biochemistry
  • Efficiency and role of loss processes in lightdriven water oxidation by PSII. M Grabolle, et al, 2007. Physiologia plantarum
  • Changes of Photosystem II Electron Transport in the Chlorophylldeficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Thermoluminescence. JW Guo, et al, 2007. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
  • The exposed N-terminal tail of the D1 subunit is required for rapid D1 degradation during photosystem II repair in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. J Komenda, et al, 2007. The Plant Cell
  • The chlorophyll a fluorescence induction pattern in chloroplasts upon repetitive single turnover excitations: accumulation and function of QB-nonreducing centers. W Vredenberg, et al, 2006. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • The polyphasic chlorophyll a fluorescence rise measured under high intensity of exciting light. D Lazár , 2006. Functional Plant Biology
  • The synechocystis sp PCC 6803 oxa1 homolog is essential for membrane integration of reaction center precursor protein pD1. F Ossenbühl, et al, 2006. The Plant Cell
  • Sucrose and glycerol effects on photosystem II. KM Halverson, et al, 2003. Biophysical journal
  • Copper-induced inhibition of photosynthesis: limiting steps of in vivo copper chlorophyll formation in Scenedesmus quadricauda. H Küpper, et al, 2003. Functional Plant Biology
  • Heavy metalinduced inhibition of photosynthesis: targets of in vivo heavy metal chlorophyll formation1. h küpper, et al, 2002. journal of Phycology
  • Experimental and theoretical studies on the excess capacity of Photosystem II. R Kaňa, et al, 2002. Photosynthesis research
  • Nitrogen deprivation strongly affects Photosystem II but not phycoerythrin level in the divinyl-chlorophyll b-containing cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus. C Steglich, et al, 2001. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
  • Integrity and activity of photosystem 2 complexes isolated from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus using various detergents. E Šetlíková, et al, 1999. Photosynthetica
  • The PsbY protein is not essential for oxygenic photosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. M Meetam, et al, 1999. Plant physiology
  • Nonphotochemical reduction of the plastoquinone pool in sunflower leaves originates from chlororespiration. TS Feild, et al, 1998. Plant physiology


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