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    美國BARTZ公司zui早研制生產(chǎn)微根窗根系觀測儀器,BTC-100成為上應(yīng)用zui廣、發(fā)表論文zui多的根系研究儀器技術(shù),其學(xué)術(shù)研究論文涵蓋幾十種世界學(xué)術(shù)期刊和專著,包括Science、Nature、Global change biology(影響因子8.502)、New Phytologist(影響因子:7.330)等等,研究內(nèi)容包括農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)、林業(yè)科學(xué)、氣候變化、植物表型分析與表型組學(xué)研究(根系表型分析經(jīng)典儀器技術(shù))、植物生理生態(tài)等領(lǐng)域。



    1. Sharma, Sat Pal, et al. "Root growth dynamics and fruit yield of melon (Cucumis melo L) genotypes at two locations with sandy loam and clay soils." Soil and Tillage Research 168 (2017): 50-62. (3.401)
    2. Black, Christopher K., et al. "Root volume distribution of maturing perennial grasses revealed by correcting for minirhizotron surface effects." Plant and Soil (2017): 1-14. (3.052)
    3. Schwieger, Sarah, et al. "Autumnal warming does not change root phenology in two contrasting vegetation types of subarctic tundra." Plant and Soil (2017): 1-12. (3.052)
    4. Gu, Jiacun, et al. "Effects of root diameter, branch order, soil depth and season of birth on fine root life span in five temperate tree species." European Journal of Forest Research 136.4 (2017): 727-738.
    5. Iversen, Colleen M., et al. "Fine-root growth in a forested bog is seasonally dynamic, but shallowly distributed in nutrient-poor peat." Plant and Soil (2017): 1-21. (3.052)
    6. Jerszurki, Daniela, et al. "Impact of root growth and hydraulic conductance on canopy carbon-water relations of young walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) under drought." Scientia Horticulturae 226 (2017): 342-352. (1.624)
    7. Zhang, Hao, et al. "Root Development of Transplanted Cotton and Simulation of Soil Water Movement under Different Irrigation Methods." Water 9.7 (2017): 503. (1.832)
    8. Aidoo, Moses Kwame, et al. "Grafting as a method to increase the tolerance response of bell pepper to extreme temperatures." Vadose Zone Journal (2017). (1.932)
    9. McCormack, M. Luke, et al. "Production dynamics of Cenococcum geophilum ectomycorrhizas in response to long-term elevated CO 2 and N fertilization." Fungal Ecology 26 (2017): 11-19. (3.219)
    10. Berry, Ryan S., and Andrew Kulmatiski. "A savanna response to precipitation intensity." PloS one 12.4 (2017): e0175402. (2.806)
    11. Blume-Werry, Gesche, et al. “Root phenology unresponsive to earlier snowmelt despite advanced above-ground phenology in two subarctic plant communities” Eundtional Ecology 2017
    12. 史順增, et al. "土壤增溫, 氮添加及其交互作用對杉木幼苗細(xì)根生產(chǎn)的影響." 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報 41.2 (2017): 186-195.



    1. ?eleznik, Peter, et al. "Fine root dynamics in Slovenian beech forests in relation to soil temperature and water availability." Trees 30.2 (2016): 375-384. (1.842)
    2. Dong, Xuejun, et al. "Effect of irrigation timing on root zone soil temperature, root growth and grain yield and chemical composition in corn." Agronomy 6.2 (2016): 34.
    3. Abramoff, Rose Z., and Adrien C. Finzi. "Seasonality and partitioning of root allocation to rhizosphere soils in a midlatitude forest." Ecosphere 7.11 (2016). (2.490)
    4. Black, Christopher Kyle. Plant root contributions to the carbon balance of a changing agricultural Midwest. Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016.
    5. Saleska, Scott, et al. Partitioning CO2 fluxes with isotopologue measurements and modeling to understand mechanisms of forest carbon sequestration. No. DOE-BU--0006916. Boston Univ., MA (United States), 2016.
    6. Gray, Sharon B., et al. "Intensifying drought eliminates the expected benefits of elevated carbon dioxide for soybean." Nature plants 2 (2016): 16132. (10.300)
    7. Hernandez, Pauline, and Catherine Picon-Cochard. "Presence of trifolium repens promotes complementarity of water use and n facilitation in diverse grass mixtures." Frontiers in plant science 7 (2016). (4.298)
    8. Träger, Sabrina, and S. D. Wilson. "Root heterogeneity along an arctic elevational gradient: the importance of resolution." Functional Ecology (2016). (5.630)
    9. 陳建文, 史建偉, and 王孟本. "不同林齡檸條細(xì)根現(xiàn)存量比較." 態(tài) 學(xué) 36.13 (2016).
    10. Berry, Ryan S. Rapid savanna response to changing precipitation intensity. Utah State University, 2016.



    1. Hulugalle, Nilantha R., Katrina J. Broughton, and Daniel KY Tan. "Fine root production and mortality in irrigated cotton, maize and sorghum sown in vertisols of northern New South Wales, Australia." Soil and Tillage Research 146 (2015): 313-322. (3.401)
    2. Gluszek, Slawomir, Sas Paszt, and B. Sumorok. "Fine root lifespan dynamics in four sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) c*rs grown in Central Poland using the minirhizotron technique." Dendrobiology 73 (2015). (0.776)
    3. Contador, Maria Loreto, et al. "Root growth dynamics linked to above-ground growth in walnut (Juglans regia)." Annals of botany 116.1 (2015): 49-60. (4.041)
    4. Tracy, S. R., et al. "Laboratory and field techniques for measuring root distribution and architecture." Tree-Crop Interactions: Agroforestry in a Changing Climate. CABI (2015): 258-277.
    5. Hulugalle, N. R., K. J. Broughton, and D. K. Y. Tan. "Root growth of irrigated summer crops in cotton-based farming systems sown in Vertosols of northern New South Wales." Crop and Pasture Science 66.2 (2015): 158-167. (1.804)
    6. Fukuzawa, Karibu, et al. "Roles of dominant understory Sasa bamboo in carbon and nitrogen dynamics following canopy tree removal in a cool‐temperate forest in northern Japan." Plant species biology 30.2 (2015): 104-115. (1.250)
    7. Aryal, Sudarshan K., et al. "Effects of Infection by Belonolaimus longicaudatus on Rooting Dynamics among St. Augustinegrass and Bermudagrass Genotypes." Journal of nematology 47.4 (2015): 322. (1.087)     
    8. 史建偉, 秦晴, and 陳建文. "檸條人工林細(xì)根不同分枝根序壽命估計." 生態(tài)學(xué)報 35.12 (2015): 4045-4052.
    9. 胡雙成, et al. "福建三明米櫧次生林在不同更新方式下的初期細(xì)根產(chǎn)量." 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 26.11 (2015): 3259-3267.
    10. Aryal, Sudarshan K. Integrated pest management of plant-parasitic sting nematode (Belonolaimus longicaudatus) on bermudagrass. Diss. University of Florida, 2015.
    11. Abramoff, Rose Z. Phenology and allocation of belowground plant carbon at local to global scales. Diss. Boston University, 2015.



    1. Carrillo, Yolima, et al. "Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland." Oecologia 175.2 (2014): 699-711. (3.130)
    2. Sirkka, Sutinen, et al. "Simulated snowmelt and infiltration into frozen soil affected root growth, needle structure and physiology of Scots pine saplings." Boreal Environment Research 19.4(2014):281-294. (1.805)
    3. Repo, Tapani, et al. "Effects of frozen soil on growth and longevity of fine roots of Norway spruce." Forest ecology and management 313 (2014): 112-122. (3.064)
    4. Taylor, Benton N., et al. "Improved scaling of minirhizotron data using an empirically-derived depth of field and correcting for the underestimation of root diameters." Plant and Soil 374.1-2 (2014): 941-948. (3.052)
    5. Leppälammi-Kujansuu, Jaana, et al. "Fine root turnover and litter production of Norway spruce in a long-term temperature and nutrient manipulation experiment." Plant and Soil 374.1-2 (2014): 73-88. (3.052)
    6. Silva, Justina A. "Beyond roots alone: Novel methodologies for analyzing complex soil and minirhizotron imagery using image processing and GIS tools." (2014).
    7. Spencer, D. F., et al. "Impacts of mowing and bud destruction on Centaurea solstitialis growth, flowering, root dynamics and soil moisture." Weed research 54.2 (2014): 140-150. (1.782)
    8. Leppälammi-Kujansuu, Jaana, et al. "Fine root longevity and carbon input into soil from below-and aboveground litter in climatically contrasting forests." Forest ecology and management 326 (2014): 79-90. (3.064)
    9. Pritchard, Seth G., et al. "Long‐term dynamics of mycorrhizal root tips in a loblolly pine forest grown with free‐air CO2 enrichment and soil N fertilization for 6 years." Global change biology 20.4 (2014): 1313-1326. (8.502)
    10. Wu, Yibo, et al. "Effects of warming on root diameter, distribution, and longevity in an alpine meadow." Plant ecology 215.9 (2014): 1057-1066. (1.615)
    11. Pinto, Maria Loreto Contador. Root growth dynamics and constraints on aboveground growth in walnuts Juglans regia L. Diss. University of California, Davis, 2014.
    12. Leppälammi-Kujansuu, Jaana. "Norway spruce fine root dynamics and carbon input into soil in relation to environmental factors." Dissertationes Forestales (2014).
    13. Carrillo, Yolima, et al. "Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland." Oecologia 175.2(2014):699-711. (3.130)
    14. Brownsey, Rachel N., Guy B. Kyser, and Joseph M. DiTomaso. "Growth and phenology of Dittrichia graveolens, a rapidly spreading invasive plant in California." Biological invasions 16.1 (2014): 43-52. (2.473)
    15. Segal, Aliza D., and Patrick F. Sullivan. "Identifying the sources and uncertainties of ecosystem respiration in Arctic tussock tundra." Biogeochemistry 121.3 (2014): 489-503. (3.428)
    16. 吳伊波, et al. "高寒草甸植被細(xì)根生產(chǎn)和周轉(zhuǎn)的比較研究." 生態(tài)學(xué)報 34.13 (2014): 3529-3537.
    17. 李俊楠, et al. "去葉對水曲柳和落葉松苗木當(dāng)年生長及細(xì)根動態(tài)的影響." 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報 38.10 (2014): 1082-1092.



    1. Hansson, Karna, et al. "Fine root production and turnover of tree and understorey vegetation in Scots pine, silver birch and Norway spruce stands in SW Sweden." Forest Ecology and Management 309 (2013): 58-65. (3.064)
    2. Mann, J. Jeremiah, et al. "Root system dynamics of Miscanthus× giganteus and Panicum virgatum in response to rainfed and irrigated conditions in California." BioEnergy Research 6.2 (2013): 678-687. (2.487)
    3. Wu, Yibo, et al. "Root size and soil environments determine root lifespan: evidence from an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau." Ecological research 28.3 (2013): 493-501. (1.283)
    4. Noguchi, Kyotaro, et al. "Fine-root dynamics in sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) under manipulated soil nitrogen conditions." Plant and soil 364.1-2 (2013): 159-169. (3.052)
    5. Pilon, Remi, et al. "Grassland root demography responses to multiple climate change drivers depend on root morphology." Plant and soil 364.1-2 (2013): 395-408. (3.052)
    6. Fukuzawa, Karibu, et al. "Temporal variation in fine-root biomass, production and mortality in a cool temperate forest covered with dense understory vegetation in northern Japan." Forest ecology and management 310 (2013): 700-710. (3.064)
    7. Atucha, Amaya, et al. "Root distribution and demography in an avocado (Persea americana) orchard under groundcover management systems." Functional Plant Biology 40.5 (2013): 507-515. (2.121)
    8. Bonin, Catherine, et al. "Root characteristics of perennial warm-season grasslands managed for grazing and biomass production." Agronomy 3.3 (2013): 508-523.
    9. Matsuo, Naoki, et al. "Root growth of two soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] c*rs grown under different groundwater level conditions." Plant Production Science 16.4 (2013): 374-382. (0.848)
    10. Kulmatiski, Andrew, and Karen H. Beard. "Woody plant encroachment facilitated by increased precipitation intensity." Nature Climate Change 3.9 (2013): 833. (19.304)
    11. Segal, Aliza D. Root and microbial respiration dominate carbon dioxide efflux in an arctic ecosystem. Diss. University of Alaska Anchorage, 2013.
    12. Al-Traboulsi, Manal, et al. "Potential impact of CO2 leakage from Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) systems on growth and yield in maize." Plant and soil 365.1-2 (2013): 267-281. (3.052)
    13. Rewald, Boris, and Jhonathan E. Ephrath. "Minirhizotron techniques." Plant roots: The hidden half (2013): 1-15.
    14. Noguchi, Kyotaro, et al. "Fine-root dynamics in sugi ( Cryptomeria japonica ) under manipulated soil nitrogen conditions." Plant and soil 364.1-2(2013):159-169. (3.052)
    15. Shilo, T., et al. "Continuous non‐destructive monitoring of Cyperus rotundus development using a minirhizotron." Weed Research 53.3 (2013): 164-168. (1.782)
    16. Gray, Sharon B., et al. "Minirhizotron imaging reveals that nodulation of field-grown soybean is enhanced by free-air CO2 enrichment only when combined with drought stress." Functional Plant Biology 40.2 (2013): 137-147. (2.121)
    17. Eldhuset, Toril Drabløs, et al. "Drought affects tracheid structure, dehydrin expression, and above-and belowground growth in 5-year-old Norway spruce." Plant and soil 366.1-2 (2013): 305-320. (3.052)
    18. Wallander, Håkan, et al. "Evaluation of methods to estimate production, biomass and turnover of ectomycorrhizal mycelium in forests soils–A review." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57 (2013): 1034-1047. (4.857)
    19. 李向飛, 王傳寬, and 全先奎. "5 種溫帶森林生態(tài)系統(tǒng)細(xì)根的時間動態(tài)及其影響因子." 態(tài) 學(xué) 33.13 (2013).
    20. Moorberg, Colby James. Dynamics of Phosphorus Release from Wetlands Restored on Agricultural Land. North Carolina State University, 2013.
    21. Gray, Sharon Beth. Interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and water availability on field-grown soybean (Glycine max). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013.



    1. Hulugalle, N. R., T. B. Weaver, and L. A. Finlay. "Carbon inputs by wheat and vetch roots to an irrigated Vertosol." Soil Research 50.3 (2012): 177-187. (1.606)
    2. Dannoura, Masako, et al. "Flat optical scanner method and root dynamics." Measuring Roots. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 127-133.
    3. Picon-Cochard, Catherine, et al. "Effect of species, root branching order and season on the root traits of 13 perennial grass species." Plant and Soil 353.1-2 (2012): 47-57. (3.052)
    4. Sun, Jing-jue, Jia-cun Gu, and Zheng-quan Wang. "Discrepancy in fine root turnover estimates between diameter-based and branch-order-based approaches: a case study in two temperate tree species." Journal of forestry research 23.4 (2012): 575-581. (0.774)
    5. Loison, Romain, et al. "Cattle grazing affects cotton root dimensions and yield in a bahiagrass-based crop rotation." Crop Management 11.1 (2012): 0-0.
    6. Xin-qiang, Qiu, et al. "Differences in root developmenly of winter wheat c*rs in Huang-Huai Plain, China." Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao 23.7 (2012).
    7. Iversen, Colleen M., et al. "Advancing the use of minirhizotrons in wetlands." Plant and Soil 352.1-2 (2012): 23-39. (3.052)
    8. Al-Traboulsi, Manal, et al. "Potential impact of CO 2 leakage from carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems on growth and yield in spring field bean." Environmental and experimental botany 80 (2012): 43-53. (4.369)
    9. Wu, Ting, et al. "Carbon sequestration by fruit trees-Chinese apple orchards as an example." PloS one 7.6 (2012): e38883. (2.806)
    10. Eizenberg, H., et al. "A thermal time model for predicting parasitism of Orobanche cumana in irrigated sunflower—field validation." Field Crops Research 137 (2012): 49-55. (3.048)
    11. 邱新強, et al. "黃淮平原冬小麥不同品種根系生長差異." 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 23.07 (2012): 1832-1838.
    12. Mann, John Jeremiah. Ecological Risk Assessment for Invasiveness of the Bioenergy Crops Arundo donax, Miscanthus× giganteus and Panicum virgatum. University of California, Davis, 2012.
    13. Brownsey, Rachel Nicole. Biology of Dittrichia graveolens (Stinkwort): Implications for Management. University of California, Davis, 2012.



    1. Li, Caixia, et al. "Response of root morphology and distribution in maize to alternate furrow irrigation." Agricultural water management 98.12 (2011): 1789-1798. (2.848)
    2. Noguchi, Kyotaro, et al. "Fine-root dynamics in a young hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand for 3 years following thinning." Journal of forest research 16.4 (2011): 284-291.
    3. McIntyre, John R. Fine root responses to soil decompaction and amendment in red maple (Acer rubrum). Diss. Clemson University, 2011.
    4. Sun, Shou-Jia, et al. "Variation in soil water uptake and its effect on plant water status in Juglans regia L. during dry and wet seasons." Tree physiology 31.12 (2011): 1378-1389. (3.653)
    5. Nave, L. E., et al. "Disturbance and the resilience of coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in a north temperate forest." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116.G4 (2011).



    1. Jr, Cahill Jf, et al. "Plants integrate information about nutrients and neighbors." Science 328.5986(2010):1657. (37.205)
    2. Hulugalle, Nilantha R., Timothy B. Weaver, and Lloyd A. Finlay. "Carbon inputs by irrigated corn roots to a Vertisol." Plant Root 4 (2010): 18-21.
    3. Alsina, Maria Mar, et al. "Seasonal changes of whole root system conductance by a drought-tolerant grape root system." Journal of Experimental Botany 62.1 (2010): 99-109. (5.830)
    4. Stover, Daniel B., et al. "The long-term effects of CO 2 enrichment on fine root productivity, mortality, and survivorship in a scrub-oak ecosystem at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA." Environmental and Experimental Botany 69.2 (2010): 214-222. (4.369)
    5. McCormack, M. Luke, et al. "Soil fungi respond more strongly than fine roots to elevated CO2 in a model regenerating longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem." Ecosystems 13.6 (2010): 901-916. (4.198)
    6. McInenly, Leslie E., et al. "Festuca campestris alters root morphology and growth in response to simulated grazing and nitrogen form." Functional ecology 24.2 (2010): 283-292. (5.630)
    7. Hodson, Amanda Kaye. Ecological influence of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on soil arthropods, nutrient cycling, soil respiration and root growth in pistachio orchards. University of California, Davis, 2010.
    8. Treseder, Kathleen K., et al. "Slow turnover and production of fungal hyphae during a Californian dry season." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42.9 (2010): 1657-1660. (4.857)
    9. Hasselquist, Niles J., Rodrigo Vargas, and Michael F. Allen. "Using soil sensing technology to examine interactions and controls between ectomycorrhizal growth and environmental factors on soil CO2 dynamics." Plant and Soil 331.1-2 (2010): 17-29. (3.052)
    10. Hong-Ying, Jiang, et al. "Seasonal variations of fine root production and mortality in Larix gmelinii plantation in 2004-2008." Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao 21.10 (2010).
    11. Treseder, Kathleen K., and Matthew D. Whiteside. "Nanotechnological delivery of microbicides and other substances." U.S. Patent Application No. 13/392,346.
    12. 邱俊, et al. "樟子松人工林細(xì)根壽命估計及影響因子研究." 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報 34.9 (2010): 1066-1074.
    13. 姜紅英, et al. "2004—2008 年落葉松人工林細(xì)根生產(chǎn)和死亡的季節(jié)動態(tài)." 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 21.10 (2010): 2465-2471.
    14. 王孟本, et al. "晉西北黃土區(qū)幼齡檸條細(xì)根的凈生長速率." 生態(tài)學(xué)報 30.5 (2010): 1117-1124.



    1. Hulugalle, N. R., et al. "Potential contribution by cotton roots to soil carbon stocks in irrigated Vertosols." Soil Research 47.3 (2009): 243-252. (1.606)
    2. Hulugalle, N. R., et al. "Potential contribution by cotton roots to soil carbon stocks in furrow-irrigated Vertisols of NW New South Wales, Australia." International Symposium “Root Research and Applications” RootRAP. 2009.
    3. Børja, Isabella, et al. "How to statistically treat disappeared fine roots for longevity estimates from minirhizotrons." 7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications, Short Paper Abstracts. 2009.
    4. Brown, Alisha LP, Frank P. Day, and Daniel B. Stover. "Fine root biomass estimates from minirhizotron imagery in a shrub ecosystem exposed to elevated CO2." Plant and soil 317.1-2 (2009): 145-153. (3.052)
    5. Phillips, Donald L., et al. "Elevated CO2 and O3 effects on fine-root survivorship in ponderosa pine mesocosms." Oecologia 160.4 (2009): 827-837. (3.130)
    6. Yao, Shengrui, Ian A. Merwin, and Michael G. Brown. "Apple root growth, turnover, and distribution under different orchard groundcover management systems." HortScience 44.1 (2009): 168-175. (0.848)
    7. Wiseman, P. Eric, and Christina E. Wells. "Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation affects root development of Acer and Magnolia species." Journal of Environmental Horticulture 27.2 (2009): 70-79.
    8. Eizenberg, H., J. Hershenhorn, and J. E. Ephrath. "Factors affecting the efficacy of Orobanche cumana chemical control in sunflower." Weed research 49.3 (2009): 308-315. (1.782)
    9. Whiteside, Matthew D., Kathleen K. Treseder, and Peter R. Atsatt. "The brighter side of soils: quantum dots track organic nitrogen through fungi and plants." Ecology 90.1 (2009): 100-108. (4.809)
    10. 荀俊杰, et al. "幼齡檸條細(xì)根現(xiàn)存量與環(huán)境因子的關(guān)系." 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報 33.4 (2009): 764-771.
    11. Chen, Guihua. Alleviation of soil compaction by Brassica cover crops. University of Maryland, College Park, 2009.



    1. Repo, Tapani, Tarja Lehto, and Leena Finér. "Delayed soil thawing affects root and shoot functioning and growth in Scots pine." Tree physiology 28.10 (2008): 1583-1591. (3.653)
    2. Valenzuela-Estrada, Luis R., et al. "Root anatomy, morphology, and longevity among root orders in Vaccinium corymbosum (Ericaceae)." American Journal of Botany 95.12 (2008): 1506-1514. (3.050)
    3. Andersen, Chris P., et al. "Fine root growth and mortality in different-aged ponderosa pine stands." Canadian journal of forest research 38.7 (2008): 1797-1806. (1.827)
    4. Dannoura, Masako, et al. "The development of an optical scanner method for observation of plant root dynamics." Plant Root 2 (2008): 14-18.
    5. Cleavitt, Natalie L., et al. "Effects of soil freezing on fine roots in a northern hardwood forest." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38.1 (2008): 82-91. (1.827)
    6. Zeng, Guang, Stanley T. Birchfield, and Christina E. Wells. "Automatic discrimination of fine roots in minirhizotron images." New Phytologist 177.2 (2008): 549-557. (7.330)
    7. Pritchard, Seth G., et al. "Fine root dynamics in a loblolly pine forest are influenced by free‐air‐CO2‐enrichment: A six‐year‐minirhizotron study." Global Change Biology 14.3 (2008): 588-602. (8.502)
    8. Iversen, Colleen M., Joanne Ledford, and Richard J. Norby. "CO2 enrichment increases carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a deciduous forest." New Phytologist 179.3 (2008): 837-847. (7.330)
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